Goffstown Rail Trail TE Project

As of January 2016, the 2010 Transportation Enhancement (TE) project on the Goffstown Rail Trail is now complete. This page provides overview information on the project. You can donate to support this effort here.

(Last update 1/13/2016)

Project Summary:

This project consists of multiple improvements at four sites on the Goffstown Rail Trail. These are:

  • Realign and mark the trail crossing of Mast Road near the Villa ball fields, so that the trail will cross perpendicular to the road.
  • Install a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) user-activated crossing light at this location.
  • Create a 12 space parking area at the west side of the above crossing.
  • Realign and mark the trail crossing of Mast Road near Pro Landscape, so that the trail will cross perpendicular to the road.
  • Install a PHB crossing light at this location as well.
  • Fill in the gully left when the old railroad trestle over the former Henry Bridge Road was removed.
  • Install crossing markings and a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) at Henry Bridge Road, and cut back the hillside slope to improve sight distance.

Construction Complete:

The gully work is finished, so the eastern site trail detour route is no longer necessary. Trail surface upgrades and the new trailhead parking lot are complete. Bollards and fencing have been installed. Road markings have been painted at all three crossing sites, and trail approaches to them have been paved. The Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) lights at Henry Bridge Road and the Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) crossing lights on Mast Road are now operational. Please be alert as you drive through these areas, and while using the crossings, take extra care as drivers get become familiar with their operation.

Additional Information:

You can find more project related information at these links:

  • Goffstown Department of Public Works project information page including a downloadable full plan set.
  • Descriptions of the PHB and RRFB crossings.
  • Printable map of Goffstown Rail trail showing construction zones and PHB information.


In 2008, the FGRT and the town started conceptual planning for safe trail crossings of Mast Road and Henry Bridge Road. A grant application was submitted in 2009 asking for funding through the Federal Transportation Enhancement (TE) Program. After many briefings at town, region, and state levels, Goffstown was approved to receive a 2010 TE grant to cover 80% of the projected $390,000 project costs. Soon thereafter, a design firm was hired to do the engineering drawings and shepherd the plans through the many review phases typical of any federally funded project. Public input sessions on the proposed design were held.

FGRT hosted a transportation review of the rail trail corridor by bicycle, which was attended by representatives from the NH Department of Transportation (NHDOT), Southern NH Planning Commission, and other interested parties. Following that event, NHDOT realized safety for pedestrians crossing State Route 114/Mast Road, could only be properly addressed by crossing lights. Fortunately, they were able to offer another $130,000 grant to cover the project cost growth.

Early in 2014 the final design plans were approved by NHDOT. Easements and licenses were obtained from abutting property owners where construction would impact their properties. The town went out for bids on the project in April, and a contractor was selected in May. Construction must be finished before the TE funds expire at the end of the year.
