Goffstown Rail Trail 2009 Safety Sign Project
Over the past few years, the Friends of the Goffstown Rail Trail have worked to make some significant improvements to the community's trail. We're proud of what has been accomplished so far, and appreciate the support we have received. We are now asking for your assistance with a project to improve trail safety conditions.
The trail engineering plans approved last year specify traffic-warning signs and painted crossings where the trail crosses public roads. The marked crossings will increase safety for bicyclists, walkers and runners using the trail, as well as for vehicles approaching the crossings. The traffic signs and painted crossings are immediately feasible at seven of the eleven road crossing locations along the 5.5-mile long trail. (The four remaining locations will need additional work before they can be implemented.)
The town Department of Public Works will be painting the road crossing markings as part of their regular spring road painting. They will also install the signs, if we can provide them. The cost of purchasing the signs is $1095.
An anonymous donor has offered to match each dollar contributed to the Friends of the Goffstown Rail Trail with an additional two dollars, until the project cost has been met. For example, your donation of $50 would become $150! This is a most generous offer, and we hope you will help us raise the funds needed to make the trail a safer place for all. Contributions of any size are welcome and appreciated. Our goal is to announce the contribution of signs to the Selectmen at their May 18th meeting.
If you can make a special donation toward this project, please do so by May 15th. You can make a donation online through our secure page hosted by PayPal. (You do not need a PayPal account to donate.)
If you prefer to send your donation by mail, please send it to:
Friends of the Goffstown Rail Trail
P.O. Box 2
Goffstown, NH 03045
Checks can be made out to "Friends of the Goffstown Rail Trail". Please add a note indicating "Safety Signs".
Alternatively, your donation can be tax deductible if you make your check out to our fiscal sponsor "Goffstown Main Street Program - Rail Trail Project".